The first steps you need to follow, right after you dropped the phone

You’ve got your phone glass broken?

Check your phone insurance (if you have one)

The next important step you need to take is to check if the insurance of your phone, if you have one, also includes replacing the broken screen.

Usually this does not happen and this is because breaking the screen is considered to be a thermal shock, and most smartphone manufacturers do not foresee this repair cost in the warranty agreement.

But if the cost value is covered by the warranty of the device, read carefully under what conditions this is done. Most likely, the process is not fully covered by your insurer, but you are certainly covered a large part of your costs. Yes, this does not save you from taking money out of your pocket, but you will be able to come out much cheaper compared to a full cost of repairing that component.

You can go directly to one of the service services authorized by the company that produced the phone or other authorized services. However, for devices purchased at subscription, any damage your phone suffers should only be brokered through your insurer.

As a rule, depending on the case, you will have to pay a fee. But depending on the situation you are in, it wouldn’t hurt to make a phone call to your mobile operator to find out all the information you need in this respect.

Use a backup phone

Subsequently, after you have left your device to the specialists who will repair it, make sure that you have already prepared a backup phone that you will use for a few days, until you return to the other one.

In the following, we will discuss extensively what damage your mobile phone may suffer. Here’s what you need to do if you dropped your phone on the floor.

Accept the situation calmly

If the phone just fell out of your hand, it’s best to calm down first and accept what happened to you. Concentrate your energy and resources to find solutions. There are no things that can’t be solved, especially if we’re talking about cell phones. Plus, the fact is already consumed, and you can just get used to the idea and solve the problem.

Data recovery from a phone with a broken screen

A very big fear when you break your phone is connected to the fact that you do not know what will happen to your phone data. If you have a memory card, chances are that your files are already saved on that card. To transfer data from your phone, on a laptop or PC it is necessary to have a USB cable with which you will connect to a USB port of your computer.

Most of the time, cloud storage of data can save you. So check if you activated a cloud storage service, or what was the last time a data backup was made for this phone. This can save you in other situations such as: defective, lost or stolen phone. In the unfortunate case you didn’t do this, we advise you to do it for the next phone calls. For Apple devices, cloud storage starts at 1 usd per month for extra 50GB of memory, while cloud storage for Android devices is free in Google Drive and Google Photos for a few tens of GB. All you have to do is enable back-up in the cloud in your phone settings.